Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pillow overhaul.

It feels good to finally get my sewing machine out for the first time in months! Now that I finally have a little desk to use as my sewing area, I can get some projects done!

I just recently bought a little loveseat at the neighborhood wide yard sale a couple weeks back and covered it with a cute slipcover from target (i literally go to Target like every single day that I don't have to work... )But I like to keep my purple quilt on my couch and the throw pillows I had been using were plain old brown ones from my room way back in probably middle school. Sooo... time for an overhaul. My need to sew + no really good fabric stores in town + my newfound love of online shopping =

I got two yards of this print for less than $30 including shipping. I definitely used less than a yard for this project, so I'd say it cost me less than $15. Cheap=awesome.

This is not really a very involved project, so I won't go into a lot of detail. But I'm proud of how these pillows turned out:

Pillow upgrade

My pillows were 17 1/2 by 17 1/2 inches, so I cut squares of fabric that were 18x18 to allow for a 1/4 seam:

Pillow upgrade

Pillow upgrade

This is super easy. Just sew the squares together inside out, leaving enough space along one edge (about the middle third) to squeeze the pillow inside. Flip the case right-side out, insert pillow and pin and hand-stitch (or machine stitch) the opening. I don't mind hand-stitching them when I have plenty of time to sit around and watch a couple episodes on Netflix like I did today.

Pillow upgrade

Pillow upgrade

Ta da! Cheap, easy, adorable AND I never even had to leave the house. That's my kind of project.