Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Blessed to be His Grand-daughters

To read more about our grandpa click this link --> Grandpa Morton

What follows is a piece that we wrote and read at Grandpa’s funeral on Wednesday, April 17, 2013…

“Grandpa, where do we even begin? We have so many fond and hilarious memories with you, which always included you holding out your hand so we could kiss it like you were a princess or something. We all lost countless games of checkers and Skipbo to you – yes, we admit, you are the King of Checkers! One vivid memory we have of you is how you would have us all pile onto the toboggan and pull us behind the four-wheeler through the snow. Whether we lost boots, mittens, or a cousin along the way, it always seemed like you left us behind just a little bit longer than you had to while we were hollering at you to stop! And when we set up haunted houses in your basement, which was a frequent occurrence, you even pretended to be scared of the grape eyeballs and the spaghetti brains that we forced you to put your fingers in.

We are ever so grateful that Grandpa has consistently been a solid rock in our family and has always encouraged us and supported our educations. Even during our last visits with him, Grandpa told us girls that we were beautiful and that he loved us. It is certain that he has had a great impact on our lives, and we wouldn’t be who we are without his influence.

Just an hour or two before Grandpa passed away, Megan was reading a devotional before bed and was touched by these words that were about to become so relevant:

‘At the end of your life-path is an entrance to heaven. Only I know when you will reach that destination, but I am preparing you for it each step of the way. The absolute certainty of your heavenly home gives you peace and joy to help you along your journey. You know that you will reach your home in my perfect timing: not one moment too soon or too late.’

As Hebrews 6:19 says, ‘We have this hope as anchor for the soul, firm and secure.’ Grandpa, we look forward to seeing you again one glorious day in the presence of our Lord, and can’t wait to have the honor of once again giving you a kiss on the hand.

You will forever hold a special place in our hearts as a man that cherished each one of us, brought constant laughter to our lives, and set a beautiful example of what it looks like to love the Lord. We love you!”

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Complete in Christ

spurgeon quote

A Little West Palm Beach

Last week, the whole family took a trip and met up in West Palm Beach. What an exciting and relaxing time we had! These are just some of the pictures off my phone (which I was without for a few days because it took a dip in the pool and had to spend some quality time in between two slices of bread- no rice!) Maybe someone else (hint Megan and Jenny) will have some more to share!

Matt and I ready to take off!

I RARELY drink pop. I ordered one on a flight and the flight attendant gave me a foreign can! It may have tasted a bit strange.

We had a few not so nice weather days, but it was probably a blessing in disguise keeping us from not getting absolutely fried! (Although that happened to some of us anyway.)

We couldn't believe the grocery store. Not only do you park in a parking ramp, but there is an escalator just for your cart! The sign is reminding you to take your children out!

City Place! Filled with some of the best shops ever!

One of the amazing stores was Restoration Hardware.

It also had a puppy store! They were some of the cutest things I ever did see!




I believe it was the first morning there that all four of us kids were very ambitious and got up early to go on a sunrise run on the beach. The workers looked shocked that we were all up so early. It was a beautiful sunrise, needless to say our ambition fizzled out the next few days!

Megan and I ready to eat.

I matched this bed far too well to not get a picture.

Matt's classic must- have beach picture.

Matt and I got a kick out of this gator claw necklace at the airport.

Boy, do I miss it. Not only the sunny weather, but the whole family spending time together! So thankful for this trip!